Q&A: Career Gua Enhancement
Q: Hi Terah, Karen and Alumni, I am an alumni of the practitioner training and I did Feng Shui on a little cottage in the woods today, quite charming! The owner wants to put ENERGY into her career area, here’s the thing: the career area is at the top of the stairs with 3 windows on the left and the path to her kitchen on the right. Right now she has a a sleeping buddha above the windows which would signify to me her career is very laid back, …she is in relax mode which she will remove. Since she is not able to put anything on the floor at the top of the stairs, what can anyone suggest for the windows or window ledges that could ramp things up in her career area? I thought of a crystal in one of the windows. She wants to work with non profit, make some money, be creative and have independence? Any ideas are welcome! Thanks!
A: From Terah Kathryn Collins
As you know, it’s always a bit risky to make a Feng Shui comment without actually seeing the space, AND, as I muse on your description, I imagine a beautiful round piece of stained glass in the center window. The shape symbolizes the Metal element holding Water, Career’s element, in place. The colors and imagery within the piece could be many things. I’d be careful not to choose something that suggests a flow down the stairs (such as a waterfall); rather something that has more horizontal or uplifting lines, imagery, etc…
Love your take on the Buddha!