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Inner Feng Shui: Color

Ask, “What color is my essence?” There’s a color that is “you,” which deeply nurtures and energizes you every time you see it. Although you may not want it everywhere, you can introduce your essence color into your environment in just the perfect way, perhaps in the brilliant glaze of a ceramic bowl or the soft folds of a throw across your bed. Because the Ch’i of your soul color resonates so personally with you, it is especially revitalizing for you to have it in your home. When you need some extra energy, gaze at your color and fill yourself up with it, or visualize it anywhere, anytime, to achieve the same healing results.

Ask those you live with what color their soul or essence is. The answer can strengthen relationships with spouses, friends, and children. In one case, a couple determined that he was golden yellow while she was turquoise green, so they added a pillow in each color to their couch to symbolize their togetherness.