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Update from Laura

“The home we are in now has just a few areas that we haven’t fully made our own. Our shared office is one of those and we just recently took actions to align this physical space with our tastes and preferences. I moved out book cases and we cleared out books,papers, etc. that we no longer love, need, use. Book cases are back in with only books we love on the shelves. My husband is painting the walls a beautiful peachy hue (earth and fire blending deliciously) and the office is in our fame and reputation area of our home which as you know is all about living true to your self–integrity and aligning who you really are with how you are known in the world and I am noticing specific and yet, thankfully, seemingly little gliches that are emerging that need cleaning up and clarifying (relationships with friends and some air clearing that must take place, for instance). Feng shui is so powerful with the internal and external work happening simultaneously and I love it and am blessed by it even when it challenges me and seems a bit ouchy. Walking the talk and talking the walk just keep weaving together and mostly I dance with joy with each time I clear items that are no longer me, us, and clear away stuff in relationships with others. What a privilege of my life. What an honor to be tapped in like this. I know the chi is flowing!” Laura, WSFS Alumni

One Comment

  1. I am so pleased to have found this blog – no coincidences, right?
    I have been practicing Feng Shui on my own for a few years now. No official training, just lots and lots of reading and experimentation with my own home. I have found Terah’s books to be the most comprehensive and easily implemented of them all and have seen amazing results. When I stumbled upon “The Secret”, I was thrilled to see Feng Shui as one of the teachings.
    To me, the Law of Attraction has been the final piece of the puzzle, so to speak. As I work through the areas of my home, I place each item and make each color choice with the full intention of attracting whatever it is I’m working on. And Voila! In the last 6 months I have manifested a trip to London, a new home in GA, and a blossoming home business (
    I’ve got so good at manifesting exactly what I want, that my friends have noticed and started asking advice. Consequently, I’m looking into getting official Practitioner training with Terah. A new career beckons …..
    Have a beautiful and bountiful weekend,