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Quantum Olympian Rock Star Terri Stark

THE QUANTUM OLYMPICS is a cutting-edge instructive book that is designed to be supportive and wholistic for living in the 21st Century.
Authors Holly Hutcher-Shamir and Terri Stark have spent years collecting thoughtful, proven information and strategies to assist in dramatically changing their lives and the lives of others. Now they have compiled this information in a book so that you can also transform your life!
Using the inner lens perspective of client stories, the authors present you with many tools, techniques, and models that can be utilized to guide you in transforming from living as a human being to live as a W(holy) Being.

Listen to the Quantum Interview with Terah and Terri Stark


Your transformation will include learning how to:
• Decode the Mystery of Your Human Architecture by uncovering the layers of your belief systems and inner and outer influences.

• Build a Wholistic Health Practice that feeds your happiness in being you on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level.

• Connect to Your Inner Intelligence to cultivate a relationship that you can draw upon as an inner resource.

• Understand Technology’s Influence and Impact on your wholistic well being.

• Design Your Performance Model, a personal nine-step plan that integrates your individualized expression, dreams, and goals into the day-to-day action of your life.

When you consciously participate in the Quantum Olympics, your soul performance is nurtured by knowing what defines you, how to improve and love your life, and how you can contribute toward making the world a better place.

Terri Stark

Terri Stark (birth name Terri Ann Byers) was born in Brazil, Indiana. Terri is a student of life and its inner connections. She is the individual owner of Inspiration Central, which is her consulting business providing services to individual, group, and business clients for Integrative Coaching, Feng Shui Consultations, Organizing, and Soul Coaching®.

As a founding partner in One Heart Connection and an advocate for unlimited human potential, Terri is a modern day observer of human spirit dedicated to looking closely at the ordinary day-to-day events in life to gain a deeper spiritual understanding of life in the 21st Century.
Terri is a graduate of Indiana State University with a degree in Business Administration; a graduate of the Western School of Feng Shui Practitioner Training Program; and a Certified Soul Coach by Denise Linn’s Soul Coaching ® Program.

Holly Hutcher-Shamir

Holly Hutcher-Shamir (birth name Holly Lynn Hutcher) was born in Norfolk, Virginia. After working in the fashion industry for 18 years for some of the most prestigious fashion houses and retailers around the world, she had an epiphany and was guided to become a healer to discover what makes people happy from the inside out.

As a founding partner in One Heart Connection and an advocate for unlimited human potential, Holly is a modern day observer of human spirit dedicated to looking closely at the ordinary day-to-day events in life to gain a deeper spiritual understanding of life in the 21st Century.
Holly is a graduate of The University of South Carolina with a Bachelor of Science degree in Finance and Marketing; a graduate of Clayton College with a B.S; a M.A. degree in Natural Health Science; and a N.D. Doctorate in Naturopathy degree – 3 classes to complete degree.