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Vision Board Comes True

Here is my story of how I made a vision board and what I did with it, and how it came true:

I decided I wanted a new full-time job. I bolstered my Prosperity Guas in the fall and…

a) In mid-October, I created my version of a vision board: a very clear affirmation with sketches of it having come true. So I had sketches of me being happy and with many elements of the job. My affirmation had feeling words that I personally could relate to and a clear definition of what I wanted:
“I say ‘Woo-Hoo!’ and I do a ‘victory dance’ as I start a wonderful new job by January 15, 2012. It is less than 15 minute drive, earning $72,000+ a year, cheaper health insurance, a work space with windows, working with wonderful people, and has meaningful, stimulating, wonderful work, and just the right amount of challenge. I love it!”

b) I put it on a little table near the foot of my bed, that I could see when sitting up in bed. I did the following practice every single morning when I woke up and every single night when I went to bed, probably for 5-10 minutes each. (If I took a nap, I did it for a minute or two before and after):
I read the affirmation to myself. then I would meditate on it using each of the five senses: what would it feel like to have such a great job? what would people be saying to me to praise me? what would it look like? (look like was a bit harder for me since I didn’t know the exact type of job it would be, but I pictured smiling faces) What was a really great tasting meal taste like, one that I could associate with this situation? what would a great meal smell like, like a high quality lunch that I might bring to lunch at the new job? I also thought about what I would GIVE in exchange for this great situation, such as my enthusiasm and a lot of energy and effort to do my best…I would meditate on all this for 5-10 minutes. It was in my Career Gua of my bedroom.

I got one interview after about a month, and they liked me but the person going on maternity leave had just that morning been placed on emergency bed-rest, so they ended up hiring someone who could start the next day. I felt confused and mad at the universe…but then two weeks later, I called by two more places for interviews, and both of those jobs were BETTER than the one I didn’t get. One of them was for my dream job… and I got the job! I started work in mid January, and my salary was in the 71,000s, but a new contract in January will raise it to 72,000+…
I will say that by December, after all that affirming, I FELT like a magnet, and I started to feel like “How can I NOT get a job?”…A woman I know who doesn’t know about the vision board said to me “It was like you decided you wanted a better job and you drew it to you!”

It works…try it.

–SG, WSFS Alumni

One Comment

  1. I am so happy for you! More great things will come into your life because you believe!