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Feng Shui Room of Ones Own

Dear Terah,

I just had to share with you the amazing influence Feng Shui has had on my life during the past year. First of all, my husband’s health has deteriorated at a rapid rate, and he has gone from a cane to two canes to a walker to a wheelchair with me as a caregiver and a Ph.D. in “:Go-for-ism.” He has had to move into the guest room, and there I stood staring at wallpaper splashed with cabbage-sized, orangey-red flowers. The carpeting smelled, and the closets were unbelievably cluttered.

I literally could not sleep. I took everything [my daughter] had taught me plus my gut feeling for peace and gutted the room. While the chaos was still going on, I began to feel cleansed, and, like Virginia Woolfe, I thought, “A Room of my Own) Wow! Now, the minute I cross the threshold, an indescribable sense of peace flows over me. I now have dark wooden floors, walls a soft creamy yellow, and everything else white. I have set up an altar with a small black vase with twigs arranged simply, some Chinese money (it is in my wealth area), a candle, and a beautiful flokati rug. I have not even hung a picture. It falls just short of a nun’ s cell. It still needs some fire, but, for now I am loving it. I meditate every day, and it is so easy.

Thank you, Terah, for your wonderful method of teaching.

Sincerely, L.W.