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Feng Shui Radio – The Bagua Map

Terah Kathryn Collins and Ellen Schneider discuss the Bagua Map, its energies and how to tap into them for personal and professional success.

One Comment

  1. hey terah.. thanks for all the free goodies, reading it up atm. Got here through lilous youtube channel. i was wondering, how if our home is not square shaped and has an entrance at the bottom right hand corner in relation to the rest of the house. I stay in a Condominium, a unit.
    One more question! be so grateful if you could help me out with these questions, i left my email address x) Blessed be
    I'm going to be moving out and into a much smaller place with a few friends. the only palce i would have full control over would be my room. Does the bagua map apply to a whole room, or not ..
    Thank you!


  1. The Simple Secret to Effortless Health, Romance and Career Success Revealed! | Western School of Feng Shui - [...] Listen to Terah Kathryn Collins in a free Bagua Map introduction [...]
  2. Your Map to Effortless Health, Romance and Career Success Revealed! | Western School of Feng Shui - [...] Listen to Terah Kathryn Collins in a free Bagua Map introduction [...]