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Alumni Secret Garden and Circle of Belonging (April 2016)

 Alumni and Students = A Circle of Belonging

 We are opening up all of our coaching calls to include alumni and students alike! We are all always learning, growing, and reaching into new territory, no matter how long we’ve been practicing Essential Feng Shui. The practical wisdom and deep camaraderie we share creates a true Circle of Belonging that strengthens our connection with each other, supports our EFS practices, and enriches our lives. Our conversations focus on whatever the callers would like to discuss, from basic Bagua questions to the nuances of marketing your services. Check out our coaching call calendar and join us anytime!

Essential Feng Shui Practitioners: Hay House Wholesale

 Client gifts just got easier! Did you know that as a EFS Practitioner, you can receive a 45% discount on all Hay House books and products? Your Certificate of Achievement as an EFSP is all you need to qualify for their wholesale discount. To set up your account with them, call 1-800-654-5126, ext. 149
 or email They do require a copy of your Certificate of Achievement to qualify.

Facebook Fun – Our Private WSFS Alumni Facebook page

We’re having fun in our own ‘Secret Garden’ on facebook! Our private page is full of photos, comments, and conversations that only we Shuiers can understand and love! To join us, please friend Terah Kathryn Collins and she’ll invite you in. If you are already friends with Terah and not yet in our private group, message her and she’ll send you an invitation asap!

Cleaning The Rebel and the Cleaning Lady
An Essential Feng Shui story from alumna Ainslie Kincross

I’m helping a 74 year old friend clean up her 2nd home – a condo in town that she visits for 2-3 days a month from her more remote northern CA home.  Just before I came here, we had a conversation about how much she hates cleaning – “It’s never been my thing” (and in general, dirt and clutter build up in her environment until she has to have someone take care of it).

I inquired a bit more, and learned that she and her 2 sisters had to “clean up for the cleaning lady” when they were growing up.  They lived in a very nice home, and their mother had a “cleaning lady,” but their task was to clean up for her!  As little girls, they hated the task, and later as teenagers thought it was a “big joke.”  She does not have much to say about her mother.
So when I walked into her condo, this is what I saw in the Love and Relationships Gua!  It’s a copy of a Dutch painting of a mother teaching her 3 daughters how to dust the pottery!   (And the mirror on the adjacent wall doubles the effect!)
In a phone call to update her on the work I’m doing, I mentioned this “coincidence”  just to see if anything resonated – but the symbolism escaped her.
My friend describes herself as “a rebel,” and I’ve noticed she’s pretty resistant to many things (aren’t we all to some degree?)  This made me think about karma, and awareness, and how striving for greater awareness, no matter what our age, can bring some things to light and allow us to integrate them, and keep us from “carrying some things to the grave” and into the next life.

One Comment

  1. This article is inspiring …I have goosebumps on my goosebumps…..thankyou Ainslie…and thank you for posting WSFS…