Spring, Up Close and Personal
Spring, Up Close and Personal
O Spring, I emerge
from my Winter rest hungry
for your vibrant growth!
Dear Essential Feng Shui Family,
Mother Nature’s Spring Ch’i is awakening all around us as the cold stillness of Winter transforms into innumerable births. Springtime, the season of the Wood element, is tremendously revitalizing, the ultimate green drink for the spirit.That ‘spring in your step’ is real as you respond to the unfurling of so much new life.
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As Spring works her magic outdoors, it’s Good Feng Shui to invite her effervescence IN! Bring the choreography of the season into your home by making your own indoor living garden. Happily rooted in earth, an indoor garden offers you an everyday dose of the Wood element’s upward growth and bright enthusiasm. Water and sunlight activate the Water and Fire elements, while stones hold the Metal element in place. Other embellishments such as statues and figurines add layers of meaning and fun. With all five elements present, the true beauty of Spring in action is yours to behold, up close and personal!
Your indoor garden may include fresh herbs like parsley, basil, oregano, and thyme, snipped to flavor and garnish your meals. Edible flowers, including pansies, nasturtium, and violets add living color and exotic tastes to your salads. Most herbs and edible flowering plants require daily sun, so if a sunny spot isn’t available, choose shade-loving flowers like orchids, kalanchoes, or peace lilies and pair them up with houseplants like ferns, ivy, and Chinese evergreens. Though not edible, these plants clean the air and revitalize you and your home.
Your Spring garden can also catalyze personal growth. Take some quiet time and ask:
“How have I grown in the past year?”
“How am I now blossoming?”
“What am I reaching for?”
“As I grow, how do I sustain balance in my life?”
“Who and what keep me deeply rooted and grounded each day?”
Your personal inquiry opens the portal to the ‘extraordinary ordinary,’ where the beauty of Nature provides a pathway of self-discovery. When you ‘spring in,’ you are priming yourself to blossom out! Study your answers and translate them into affirmations, such as, “I am calm, kind, and connected.” My business is blossoming with ease and grace.” Tuck your affirmations under or post them near your garden, calling in the Spirit of Springtime to smile upon the new flowering of your vitality and well-being.
May Your Blessings Abound!
Terah Kathryn Collins[/showhide]