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Settling Into Tiny Land!

Ever wondered what it would be like to live in a tiny space? It’s a very popular topic these days and for good reason. When we have less to take care of and pay for, we are freer to explore our interests in life. Essential Feng Shui Practitioner Sophie Glasser and I discuss her ‘Tiny House Within’ adventures, and her blog keeps us apprised of her ongoing journey. After our conversation, she commented that another great reason to downsize is to make it easier to Feng Shui the space. And I agree! My husband Brian and I recently moved from a 2,000 square foot home to a 750 square foot apartment. This allowed us to cherry-pick the furniture and décor we loved the most and let go of the rest. We now live exclusively with what we love, a condition that brings us joy every day.  

Terah Kathryn Collins

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