Happy Year of the Yang Fire Monkey!

Terah and dirt-tribe members Carolyn Kates and Jane the dog
Winter 2016
Dear Essential Feng Shui Family,
Happy Yang Fire Monkey New Year! Into the jungle we go, a place Karen Abler Carrasco describes as the “passionate and generous realm of heart-centered fire.” This year’s expansive energies invite us to identify heartfelt passions that are too big to accomplish alone and collaborate with others to fulfill them. Once identified, synchronicity leads the Way, guiding us to the right people and the right places at the right time.
So let’s begin! Based on what fuels your happiness, choose a passion you’d like to bring to life, knowing that you may not yet know your collaborators.
For instance, I’m an avid organic gardener and digging in the dirt with like-hearted people makes me especially happy. I identified this passion and synchronicity was listening. Soon after, I attended a farm-to-table event and met a local organic farmer who was about to put 4,000 strawberry plants into the ground. I volunteered to help him and met seven members of my dirt–tribe. Lovers of the land, we each tucked hundreds of baby strawberries into the earth and completed the project in one day. Now that’s my kind of Heaven!
I know I am in synch by the deep satisfaction and joy I feel when I join forces with my new farm family, sow my happiness into the soil, have fun working hard, and help grow the food that provides Good Ch’i to my community.
What big passion is pulling you to take action? It may be related to health, politics, agriculture, environment, education, or creative expression. As your adventure unfolds, I invite you to share your photos and stories with me at help@westernschooloffengshui.
May you feel blessed and supported every step of the Way,
Terah Kathryn Collins
Founder of the Western School of Feng Shui™
Love this article, Terah! Interestingly, I’ve already started gathering my “collaborators” to accomplish some goals that needed some wing support! Many blessings to you and wishes for an abundantly delicious crop of strawberries
Thanks Chris!! Keep me posted on manifesting your goals!