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Essential Feng Shui Tips: Stairways

Feng Shui Definitions

Consider stairways with a critical eye. Likened to waterfalls of rushing Ch’i, their location plays an important role in how Ch’i flows through your home. The least favored placement is directly in front of the main entrance to a home. The longer and steeper the stairs, the greater their tendency to whisk Ch’i too quickly down and out the door.

  • When building a home, locate stairways away from doors, especially the front door. Make the stairs wide and gracious, and include landings to soften the descending flow.
  • If you have a stairway that faces the front entrance of your home, you’ll need to temper the flow of Ch’i pouring out the door. The best way is to place a barrier between the staircase and the front door. This could be anything that’s pleasing and in scale with the space, such as a table with flowers, or any combination of sculpture, screens, banners, or plants. Make sure your choice does not crowd your front entrance area.
  • When there is no room to place anything between the stairs and the door, hang a mirror directly across from the stairs to symbolically catch the descending Ch’i and reflect it back up the stairs. Or, you can hang a faceted crystal (see Crystals) above the bottom stair to help circulate and lift the falling Ch’i.
  • Don’t “step” your art down a staircase, as this only accentuates the descent. Instead, group pieces together to form a strong horizontal line that stabilizes the stairs.