Essential Feng Shui Tips: Living Rooms
Living Rooms
Inner Feng Shui
Living rooms symbolize social interaction. Are you as friendly and kind to yourself as you are to your friends? Do you treat yourself like an honored guest—with kindness, love, and respect? Choose one of your best friends and focus your attention on that person for a few minutes. Consider the qualities that make up your friendship, and let your love and appreciation for this person well up inside you. Now, turn the tide, and give all that love and appreciation to yourself. Your health and happiness is enhanced when you love yourself as you do your best friend. Dr. Christiane Northrup, author of Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom, has a wonderful affirmation she recommends that we say at least twice a day: “I UNCONDITIONALLY LOVE MYSELF, JUST THE WAY I AM, RIGHT NOW.” Live with this attitude, and you’ll strengthen every part of your life.