EFS Tips: Closets, Drawers, and Cabinets
Feng Shui Definitions: Closets, drawers, and cabinets
Closets, drawers, and cabinets are often the clutter hideaways and stagnant backwaters of a home. They can negatively affecting the flow of Ch’i throughout. The house may look orderly until you open a closet or drawer- then all clutter breaks loose! There’s no place to hide in Feng Shui! The organization and pleasing arrangement of closets, drawers, and cabinets is as important as the organization and arrangement of your living room.
Please don’t be overwhelmed. Take it one spot at a time. Keep the items only if your answers are positive! If not, let them go, knowing the Ch’i in your entire home—and your life—will benefit (see decluttering guidelines).