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Essential Feng Shui Tips: Environmental Affirmation

Environmental AffirmationFeng Shui Definitions

In the ideal world, your entire home is one big Environmental Affirmation. You are surrounded by objects and architecture that lift your spirits and please your senses, have wonderful feelings and memories associated with them, and continually affirm your harmony and balance in life. When so benevolently surrounded, your environment acts like a giant cornucopia of positive Ch’i, and you are constantly nourished and strengthened by your material world.

To reach this goal, start by looking at the things and the architecture you now live with. Decide what you love and what you don’t. If you don’t love anything about your current home, don’t be discouraged! You can improve the situation immediately by putting one object you like in each room. This begins the process of enhancing the Ch’i flow and attracting the things that uplift you. Begin where you can, and watch your world change for the better. You can use any of the Ch’i Enhancers to make instant improvements.

When you live with other people who have different tastes, you won’t often have the luxury of living with only those things you love. Some room designs will have to be based on compromise. A man must have the blessing of the rest of the household before he hangs his deer trophies in the family room; a woman must know if her husband will live happily with ribbons and lace before filling the bedroom with them; roommates must ask each other before hanging their poster art on the kitchen walls. The necessity to compromise in shared spaces emphasizes the need for each person to have his or her own private area. Claim a niche, room, or whole floor, and design it to completely affirm who you are and what you love.