Essential Feng Shui Tips- Ceilings
Feng Shui Definitions
Our ceilings provide us with protection and safety. For most people, the ideal ceiling height is between eight and ten feet. Lower ceilings can feel heavy overhead, while higher ceilings can feel too open to protect us. If you have a room for hobbits or giants, there are ways you can balance the ceiling to feel just right for you.
Low Ceilings
- One of your best “fix-its” in a room with a low ceiling is up-lighting. Make sure to use light fixtures and lamps that focus the light up toward the ceiling, not down toward the floor.
- Paint the ceiling white or a light pastel. This will lift the perceived height of the ceiling, especially when your up-lights are on.
- Use light and bright colors throughout the room. Furnishings that are scaled low also help lift the perceived height of the ceiling.
High Ceilings
- High ceilings require definition between “Heaven and Earth” to make the room comfortable.
- Use crown molding, stenciling, or wallpaper borders to draw a horizontal line around the room anywhere from eight to ten feet above the floor. Once the line is drawn, you have the option of painting or wallpapering the walls differently above and below the line.
- A line can also be suggested by hanging art around the room at the same height. The eye will then “fill in the blanks.” The tops of furniture, windows, or doors may already suggest a horizontal line that can be strengthened by hanging your art at the same height. Keep the branches of large plants below the line. Your objective is to balance the ceiling’s vertical height with one subtle horizontal line around the room.
- Once the line between Heaven and Earth has been established, you can hang items above it in the “Heavens,” such as a chandelier suspended from the ceiling. Wind dancers such as mobiles, banners, and textiles can also be used. Be sure to hang only lightweight items directly over furniture.
- Canopy beds are great in bedrooms with high ceilings. Canopies can also be used to create intimate nooks, places for conversation and reading areas.
- Dark, rich colors help to give weight and substance to rooms with high ceilings.