Feng Shui and Teen Boys Bedroom
by Kim C., Essential Feng Shui Enthusiast
I was visiting my girlfriend and family in Houston (years ago) after I moved to Atlanta. When I was looking at their new house I stumbled into her 14 year old son’s room. I flew out of there and asked the mom what was up with this disaster. She said “I know. He won’t clean it up. I’ve tried.”
When her son came home, I knocked on his door. I stated the obvious, what a mess the room was. He wasn’t interested. I asked if I could talk to him for a few minutes, and he boringly agreed. I cleared a corner on his bed to sit and asked how things were going for him: School – ok. Was he sleeping well – no, not really. What else was going on – Brett and his step-dad had been fighting a lot, his girlfriend was mad at him again. I asked if he would like these areas of his life to “fixed”. That got his attention as he gave a sincere “yes”. I told him I would help him. I told him how I had been reading about Feng Shui and how energy could improve his life with a few changes and a cleaner room.
The first thing I pointed out was he had two rifles hung over his bed. These needed to be moved, and that would probably help his sleep and fighting with his dad. No the guns had to stay in his room. I asked if he would be okay if we moved it across the room. Okay, done. Then I pointed out how all his dead plates of dried food, mold growing on them, and empty coke cans everywhere was not only not healthy for him, but they were in his relationship corner, and that would explain those fights with her girlfriend. I told him I would take the science projects to the kitchen if he would start cleaning up, so we could put a picture of him and his girlfriend on that side table, instead.
Back in the kitchen, I brought my friend, his mom, up to speed with what had just happened and she couldn’t believe it. She thought the rifles over is bed was not a good idea, but knew he was attached to them. Returning to his bedroom, I was surprised that he was energetically cleaning his room with determination — and a big smile. I took down the guns and asked him to help me rehang them in his help people and travel area, the only wall available. When he finished cleaning his room he called me over to inspect and arrange his relationship corner. We dusted, placed a nice picture of them together, and included an item he liked that was special to them.
Anyway, the week I was visiting, his dad invited him to go out together, much to our surprise. An outing instead of a fight! His girlfriend called him the second night I was there. He called me into his room and thanked me so much. He said he couldn’t believe his dad wasn’t picking fights with him, he and his girlfriend had a date, and he was sleeping soundly.
This was one of the most direct results I have ever seen with Feng Shui. And it was his energy, intent and awareness that made this happen.