The Tao of Lifestyle: Learn What You Love
Both as a child and an adult, I’d often been told it didn’t matter what I loved – I was lucky to get whatever I got, usually on sale. People with preferences were often called picky and spoiled. When I came to realize my personal preferences were essential in deciphering the things that nurtured and sustained me, I looked through magazines and catalogs and collected pictures of spaces and things I found especially attractive. I noticed I was drawn to certain colors, styles, and moods over and over again. My collection showed eclectic spaces comprised of oriental, rustic, and outdoorsy elements. Turquoise and golden tones predominated in intimate cozy spaces cast in natural light. I could hear the beautiful voices of my true preferences, and they really did make my heart sing.
Discover what makes YOUR heart sing, and invite those elements into your space to nurture and sustain you too!