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Essential Feng Shui Tips: Crystals

Feng Shui Definitions

Round, faceted leaded glass crystals are used in Feng Shui to balance and moderate extremes in Ch’i flow. Crystals are considered transcendental “cures,” meaning that they carry the strength of your intention to balance Ch’i that’s moving too quickly or slowly through your home. Their small size makes them easy to use where there is no room for any other enhancement. They are available at most gift shops, and range in size from 15 to 50 millimeters (mm), with 25 mm (one inch) being the most popular size for Feng Shui purposes.

  • To slow down the “raging river” of Ch’i that flows down a long hallway, suspend crystals a few inches from the ceiling approximately every ten feet down the hall, or install a crystal light fixture.
  • When there is a sharp corner protruding into a room, hang a crystal from the ceiling an inch or two away from the corner to modify the “cutting Ch’i.”
  • Hang a crystal above the bottom step of a staircase that faces a door. This keeps the Ch’i from being swept out of the house too quickly.
  • Hang a crystal in front of a large window, especially one with a commanding view. The larger the window, the larger the crystal. Or, you can hang several 25mm crystals in a large window.
  • When a door and a window (or another door) are located directly across from each other, hang a crystal midway between them.
  • If you can see the toilet from the bathroom door, hang a crystal midway between the door and toilet.
  • Suspend a crystal in front of a small window that does not seem to bring enough light into the room.
  • Hang a crystal in the center of a house (or any room) that feels stagnant or in need of cleansing. This works best when it’s the only crystal in the house or room. If you want to put crystals in other places, remove the one in the center.
  • Be sure to clean your crystals weekly to keep them shiny and bright.

Please note: Hanging crystals directly in windows that receive bright sun has caused fires. If the window you are working with gets a lot of sun, hang the crystal at a safe distance and height, or choose another enhancement.