Essential Feng Shui Tips: Master Bedroom
Feng Shui Definition
- Make your master bedroom a sensual place, meaning a place where all your senses are celebrated. Add romantic music and sensuous fabrics, include scented oils and candles, drink something delicious in bed, and choose art and colors that visually wrap you in their warm embrace.
- No matter how big your master bedroom is, make it cozy and romantic. Most people like to feel nestled into their bedrooms, completely secure and sheltered from the world. If your bedroom is large, create two or more cozy places to enjoy.
- Move photographs of children and family to another location. Your romantic life will improve if photos of your kids and parents aren’t staring at you in bed.
- Couples who share the same view from their bed also tend to share the same point of view in life. Make the view from your bed absolutely wonderful, with art or other features that both partners find very pleasing.
- Make sure there’s adequate space, nightstands, and lamps on both sides of the bed.
- Be diligent about locating a master bedroom television behind closed doors. In most cases, when TV viewing increases in the bedroom, lovemaking decreases.