Feng Shui Q & A: Laying the Bagua Map
Our friend Dawn asks:
I have just begun my Feng Shui journey with your book The Western Guide to Feng Shui and am Bagua mapping my home. I have my home all mapped out and have a glaring problem….possibly. It all depends on whether or not I include our screened porch or not. It juts out directly from the middle back of our home. If I include it, it means that it will be the Fame and Reputation part of my home and the Wealth and Prosperity and Love and Marriage parts on the main floor, upstairs, and in the basement will fall OUTSIDE of my home. The screened porch has a full roof and concrete floor so as I read your book it seems like I need to include it. If I leave it out, the rest of the house makes sense and maps very well. We use the porch in the Spring, Summer, and Fall (we live in Ohio so it’s too cold in the winter). I want to make sure I don’t mess everything up by doing this wrong! I surely don’t want to just to make it easier, but as I honestly look at this, I don’t know if the screened porch should be included, easy or not!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I would sincerely appreciate any and all help you could give me – even if it’s just a yes or no!
Dawn, we’ll give you better than a yes or no!
I have a problem using the bagua, because my front door doesn’t face the front of the house. Instead, there’s a tiny porch at the top of the stairs, then you turn left to go into the house. The front door faces the right side. Does it matter which way the door faces?
Thanks, Grnita