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Feng Shui Q&A: Balcony Remedies: Sharp Corners and Empty Space

Our friend E.P. asks:

I have a small balcony that falls within my Fame & Reputation area as well as in my Wealth & Prosperity area.  Straight across from the balcony is another building’s corner, so fire cuts the wood element. I have to do something-the missing space and the chaotic emptiness is very annoying-it’s almost like anything can be dropped of a cliff.  I’ve placed a plastic net on the metal border, and big ceramic pots without plants to bring the fire down.  I’m thinking of hanging a beige fabric to cover the empty space and the corner across (and it won’t look dangerous) and two plants- preferably bamboo for better relationships- inside the fabric.

Could you please help me?  I want to feel supported/covered/protected in that area.


Thanks E.P. for the question.

Yes, your idea to cover the balcony railing with cloth will give you the feeling of safety and inclusion that you’re hoping for. Can you hang your plants from the ceiling? or ask your upstairs neighbor if you can hang a plant or two from their railing? That would also soften your space tremendously.

You seem like a Feng Shui natural! All your suggestions so far have been right on.

Please send an after picture so that we can see how luscious your space is?!