Q & A Beyond The Bagua – Feng Shui Tools
Our friend M.C. asked us:
“Why do you use the standardized bagua vs. the compass school. I have tried both on my home with little improvement. I do it for other people’s homes and have success. Moving would be a hardship even though this place holds so much sorrow. I am about to give up.”
Thank you for asking this question. We’re so sorry to hear of your grief and sadness. Sorrow can run deep.
In Essential Feng Shui, we find that the Bagua Map is just one of many tools we use. Some structures really need help with their Bagua, whereas some structures or environments are more elementally imbalanced, others are struggling with blocked Ch’i and others still lack self-expression or intention. Ideally, an Essential Feng Shui environment touches upon all of these tools to find balance.
If the working with the Bagua isn’t making any desired changes in your space, then it sounds like you may have a different issue altogether – you may need to access these other tools to create balance. Are you familiar with the Five Elements? Are you surrounded by Clutter? For you personally, is there even one thing, place, color or a reminder of a happier time?
Where are you located? I bet there’s a local Practitioner who can help you, and if you don’t see someone close by, many of our practitioners can help you with a distance consultation. Your results can still be marvelous, uplifting and help support that happiness you so rightly deserve.
Best of luck – let us know what you find out!