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Community Love: Wealth and Prosperity!

Love from our friend Casey:

Hey Terah & Liv: 

First of all, thank you for the webinar it was great! Your joke about the refrigerator-looking at it, wondering what was in it, then having to eat everything in it- made me laugh a lot!  I love the new word “ESSENTIAL-IZING,” it’s so much more empowering then “downsizing,” and makes me want to start doing things that I have definitely been putting off…LOL! 

Going forward I will definitely be taking pictures, and am bummed I didn’t think of it before I recently tackled my kitchen counters-but mine is a funny story even without pictures, so here goes:

It will be 3 years in June that I have been down here from Seattle, and my kitchen counters have had all the same things on them. My kitchen takes up my whole wealth and abundance gua.  So years ago I was very happy to find all red appliances and have carted them around from state to state.  You know the typical coffee maker, coffee grinder, kettle, microwave, toaster, can opener, toaster over, blender, Kitchenaide giant mix master, etc… pretty much anything ever created and RED!  The funny thing is that I don’t even cook, and in the 3 years that I’ve lived here, I have not even used the oven.  But with all the fancy stuff I had on my counters over the years, I sure made it look like I did or at least knew how to…  LOL!

Long story short, a few weeks ago I was cleaning the dust off all my beautiful red counter top stuff and realized that this could be the reason that currently I am a bit “financially challenged.”   So I took everything off the counters that I have never used,  including the spices and spice rack that I had even before I moved to Seattle, (and probably had back in 2001 when I originally met you guys and never opened, sad but true)!    

After my “AHA Moment” things are definitely moving, and starting to get unstuck, and looking up for me-especially after my one on one with Liv Thursday (thank you again for the call and my very doable goals towards living my dream of being a full time Feng Shui Gal). Unfortunately I didn’t take pictures but am excited to tackle more rooms because even though I am very clean and organized, it doesn’t mean that it is Feng Shui clean and organized (at least for me).

So thank you both for getting me excited once again about Feng Shui. I will definitely keep you posted and will document with photos. 

You guys are the best!