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Essential Stories: From Clutter to Cherry Blossoms

Hello WSFS!

I am still struggling with keeping my dining table clutter free.  I keep piling stuff up here.  My mother’s table has piles and my brother’s table has piles.  What’s going on here?  I appreciate Terah’s comments during the webinar on the psychological aspects associated with clutter and I will investigate this further.  It’s apparent that it’s going to take more inquiry as well as discipline.

I have donated clothes to a local organization and it’s amazing how just the perfect new garment suddenly presents itself.   It’s been a month since I’ve curtained my mirrored closet doors and I really feel the difference now.  I love the soft light of the curtains and the cozy feeling of the room.  This was probably the most significant Feng Shui cure I made.

Do you remember my drab tan wallpaper?  I actually found a small panel of stickers of one of my favorite things, cherry blossoms, that I adhered to the wallpaper.  It added a slash of color and interest but most of all, it changed my attitude about the old wallpaper.  I learned that even when you think you have to live with something that doesn’t support you, you can use your creativity to do something small that can shift your perspective.   I’m looking for more cherry blossom stickers!

Best Regards, M.