From Year to Year: Honoring the Past & Celebrating the Future
- Last year, my greatest triumph was…
- And I am most grateful for…
- The most loving service I contributed last year was…
- One of my most meaningful experiences was….
- One of the most important things I learned was…
- Looking back over last year, I am especially happy that…
- And I wish that I had…
- The 3 people who had the greatest impact in my life were… (I have/haven’t acknowledged them for their contribution)
- Last year, my 3 favorite things about my life were…
- And my 3 least favorite things about my life were…
- As for this year, I’m especially looking forward to…
- My biggest wish for myself is…
- My biggest wish for my beloveds is…
- My biggest wish for the world is…
©2013 Terah Kathryn Collins, Western School of Feng Shui,