How to do a Feng Shui Five Element Reading
To determine the elemental balance of a room, use the following Five Elements list of associations in order to take an overall reading. Note the things made out of the elements themselves, such as wooden or metal furnishings. Find those items that are associated with an element such as a marble tabletop (Metal), a mirror (Water), or plants (Wood). Look for colors associated with each element, such as red (Fire), blues and greens (Wood), or yellow (Earth). Note that the darker a color gets, the more “Watery” it becomes, such as black, navy blue, and dark brown; while the lighter a color gets, the more it becomes associated with Metal. Look at your artwork to see what element it portrays, such as a “Fiery” sunset painting or a “Watery” oceanscape. Take an overall reading, and note whether there are elements that dominate, are barely represented, or are missing entirely from the room.
One of my clients lives in a beautiful home near the ocean. As I looked at her living room, I could see that all the elements except Earth were perfectly represented. Unlike most rooms, there were no square furnishings or decorations. Except for a book, and picture frames here and there, everything was soft and rounded, with no yellow or earthtones in sight. I asked her if she had a piece of yellow cloth. She produced a golden yellow T‑shirt and we draped it around a sofa pillow. The effect was stunning. The whole room suddenly had a center, a place from which everything else pivoted and flowed. All the room needed was one simple addition to bring it into perfect balance.
Practice identifying the Five Elements, and study their interplay in your home, your friends’ homes, restaurants, stores, and in your workplace. As you do, you are learning an important part of Feng Shui alchemy. There is a magical moment when you realize that you have become fluent in a language that benefits you and everyone around you. And from that point forward, you’ll be able to create environments that are balanced and vibrant in every way.