Cleansing | Feng Shui Definitions
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Feng Shui Definitions: Cleansing

Cleaning our homes removes not only dirt and clutter, but also stagnant, unhealthy energy. We all know what a difference living in a clean house makes. Still, there are times when a room looks clean but doesn’t feel clean. There’s a stale, sticky, or spooky feeling that seems to cling to the room. Many people feel this when they move into homes that were previously occupied and are sensitive enough to feel the unsettling energy of a former owner’s tragedy or unhappiness. In these cases, it’s important to deep-clean the space in question.

  • When moving into a home that has previously been occupied, be sure to have the carpets cleaned and the walls painted. In most cases, this neutralizes the energy of the people who lived there before you and puts your personal signature in your “new” home.
  • Spray a cleansing mist along the baseboards and into all the corners to revitalize a space. Cleansing mists contain citrus oil and can be purchased where health food and aromatherapy products are sold. Or make your own by adding a couple of drops of orange or lemon essential oils to an atomizer filled with water.
  • Most Feng Shui practitioners are trained to energetically cleanse homes. In extreme cases, when ghosts or poltergeists are suspected, you will need the expertise of someone who specializes in exorcism. In most cases, however, you can deep-clean a space quite well on your own.
  • Be sure to bless your home after a cleansing.


  1. Your tips about cleaning the house before moving in are so great and true. I have another question for you. I’m a synesthesia painter, synesthesia means that I see colors when I hear words. Recently I started to paint words because paople told me that my synesthesia paintings create the energy of the word. Actually even a feng shui ezxpert confirmed that my synesthesia paintings can perfeclty be used as a feng shui symbol placement. What do you think about it?

    • Anything that inspires and uplifts people enhances the vital energy in an environment. Your painted words sound very inspiring! Please send us a picture or 2 and perhaps we can share on your work with our kindred spirits on facebook.
      With Every Blessing,
      Terah Kathryn Collins