Feng Shui Definitions: Bathrooms
The primary function of our bathrooms is to clean our bodies – inside and out – via the sink, shower, bathtub, and toilet. In Feng Shui, plumbing is considered a potential threat to the vital Ch’i circulating through the house. Just like water, Ch’i can be pulled down the drain. Although we’re grateful to have bathrooms so conveniently located in our homes, we certainly don’t want to flush our prosperity down the toilet or watch our health go down the drain! We can design our bathrooms so that the Ch’i remains buoyant; and our health, wealth, and happiness flourish.
- Keep the drains of the tub and sink closed when not in use, and make sure you keep the lid on the toilet seat closed. The latter is especially important due to the toilet’s large opening.
- If possible, install the toilet so that you don’t see it from the door. Put it in its own room or behind a wall or screen. When this is not possible, hang a round-faceted cut-glass crystal from the ceiling between the door and the toilet to help lift and circulate the Ch’i.
- Make all bathrooms beautiful! You can quickly lift the Ch’i with a fresh coat of paint, new towels, art objects, and plants.
Always good to focus on the rich wonderful things we have in our lives. 🙂