Q & A – Why Aren’t My Affirmations Working?
Q – Hello, I read the Western Guide to Feng Shui some time back and more recently your book The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Prosperity and have a comment and a question. But first, let me say that I really do believe in Feng Shui but have concerns about it working for ME.
The question is: What does it mean when my application of Feng Shui practice, including affirmations, results almost immediately IN THE EXACT OPPOSITE of the desired results? I am so confused about this and do not know what to do.
In the Prosperity book, your paragraph in the Helpful People & Travel on P. 190 about “devilish people and punishing places” resonated strongly with me. I followed in detail the information in the book and here’s what happened: within 2 days I got a new job. Good? NO! Because it was working for a true devil (alcoholic) who terrorized me… and deliberately delayed paying me to where my rent was late. After 5 weeks he decided to replace me so I was laid off, but then he lied and told State Unemployment that I “quit” so that all unemployment benefits would be denied.
I not only have not found other employment here in Oregon but am within a short time of losing the last bit of my possessions and actually becoming homeless because of no income whatsoever. This is part of a bigger picture as similar things (devilish people and punishing places) since moving to this area over a decade ago. I have absolutely no idea how to make my life better and have tried many times “affirmations” where within a very short space of time the EXACT OPPOSITE of what I’m affirming actually happens. SO. Could someone please tell me what it means when the exact OPPOSITE of what is aimed for in applying Feng Shui principles and affirmations is what actually happens? I really don’t know who else to ask!
A – Many times, when we affirm some desired event or goal, it can sometimes bring up the unconscious fear that the affirmation will NOT materialize for us, for a great and varied number of reasons, based on preprogrammed unconscious beliefs. Fears of unworthiness, self-sabotage, subconscious beliefs in “bad luck” or “being jinxed”– the existence of any of these things, and many more, can flare up due to the process of affirming a desired effect or goal. And when the unconscious belief is there, it will speak just as loudly to the Universe through the projection of its thought vibration as our conscious, verbal affirmation’s energy waves do. And the Universe responds to bring to us that which is vibrating in a matching pattern to our most dominant projection.
Many times, the fear, even if unconscious, “speaks louder” or vibrates stronger than the conscious thoughts or words. And many times, it IS the exact opposite that shows up, demonstrating just how much we feared that very thing happening.
This is why self-healing phrases are used along with other goal affirmations to clear out the buried fears, and enable the person to send out a more clear signal. Louise Hay’s book “You Can Heal Your Life” is an excellent education in this technique, and I highly recommend it.
Here is an example, which might help to demonstrate this phenomenon:
Some years ago, I experienced a sudden loss of income. Fearing the worst–homelessness, I took on a job that I did not really like, but which kept the bills paid. I had been affirming “My perfect job comes to me now” prior to finding the job, so I thought that this job was perhaps IT, and that it would get better eventually. The working conditions not only got worse, but I began to experience unusual circumstances that would cause me to be a few minutes late for work, which the boss HATED above all things. It was so unlike me to be late, and the things which would cause it were truly bizarre, even diabolical. It began to look like I was “cursed”.
Finally, I had to give up the job, admitting that it was just not working out. I began to change my affirmation to one of ALLOWING the Universe to bring me my perfect work in the perfect timing, while ALSO creating a new belief that the Universe IS a benevolent supportive place, and that it would actually be POSSIBLE for me to be supported in all ways. It turned out that this OTHER affirmation, involving a changed belief system about receiving support, was far more important to my eventually finding the career of my dreams.
So, deep study and self-examination of the possible underpinnings of any affirmational exercise are needed whenever strange or “opposite” things are occurring during the process. “The Work” of Byron Katie, and the teachings of Abraham-Hicks are some other good sources for help in your investigations. It’s a powerful journey to unearth our deepest fears, and gain mastery over them–blessings on your path!
I love your response, can give an example of the changed affirmation that shows or speaks “allowing” and the “changing” of a belief. I have become aware recently that it is my underlying beliefs and vibrations that are resonating, not the new words but the feelings those words are producing within me. I would like help in hearing some different wording. Thanks, Missie in Vegas
for the past 10 years i am working on affirmations. it is the exact opposite happening. i asked for a bigger house, i lost the one where i lived. i asked for a marriage, i am 40 not married, i asked for more money, i lost everything. now i started practicing everything opposite. nowadays iam used to say i dont want money. let us see how this works