Easy Money
By Becky Iott
WSFS Instructor and Mentor
For some time now I have realized that I do not have any “hard earned money”. None of my money comes to me from “hard work” or onerous duty. It’s all from following my bliss. So it’s bliss earned money. Happy money. Easy money, perhaps.
And when I hear someone else talk about their “hard earned money” being used for something, it always has a ring of resentment to it. Like it was so hard to get it that they won’t part with it unless it’s for something REALLY worthy. And in choosing what is worthy, with that kind of underlying resentment, they automatically set themselves up to be in opposition to anyone else who makes a different choice. And then around the ego we go, where it stops, nobody knows.
I think that another way to unravel the whole ball of tangled confusion that is the dysfunctional society, would be to encourage everyone to start spending money as if it is a joy to do so. Regardless of how much or how little quantity of money you have, as long as it leaves your hands with joy, it will begin a cycle of healing energy like a pebble in a pond…..the consequences might just surprise us.