Dress For Success: Meet Your Goals With 5 Top Fashion Feng Shui Tips
Feng Shui, the study of how to design your home to enhance your life, can easily be applied to fashion. When we understand how the five elements of Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire are expressed in clothing and accessories, we are able to create dynamic ensembles that specifically support our goals for the day.
1. Ground Yourself – Earth Element: The tweed suit, above, is considered very Earthy, with its a boxy weave, nubby texture, and earthen colors. By itself, it will keep the wearer grounded throughout the day. The white turtleneck brings in the Metal element, enhancing her intellect. Now she’s both solid and brilliant! The diamond-shaped pin adds a touch of Fire, personalizing her ensemble and enhancing her warmth and approachability.
2. Feel Sexy – Fire Element: The fur neck wrap and mauve blouse in the photo above do a great job heating up the black suit.
3. Go With The Flow – Water Element – Black is related to the Water element and the ability to go with the flow, so the ensemble in the photo above, when paired with the Fire Element qualities, has a distinctly sexy look can be described as “flowing heat.”
4. Mental Focus – Metal Element: The skirt in the picture above is an elemental tease. The color and overall shape hold the Metal element tightly in place, suggesting strict mental focus.
5. Playful Energy – Wood Element: The pleated skirt in the photo above suggests the playful movement of the Wood element. We don’t know whether the wearer is a control freak or a wild thing… Her black top only adds to the intrigue. Perhaps she’s able to flow between the two extremes.
Crowd Pleaser – Putting It All Together: The rainbow of colors in the blouse in the above photo brings in all the elements and is a “crowd pleaser,” meaning that just about everyone would instantly like it. This is a great example of what to wear when meeting and greeting a lot of people. The black suit keeps the wearer in the flow and able to gracefully move from one conversation to another.
Though the world of fashion and Feng Shui is vast, the basic associations are simple. If you want to better understand the colors of feng shui, here’s how you can bring the five elements into your wardrobe to dress for success:
- The Wood element, found in greens, blues, floral patterns, and the columnar shapes of trousers, stripes, and pleats, piques intuition, creativity, and the playful spirit.
- The Fire element ignites the emotions through all red tones, fur, leather, and the showing of lots of skin.
- The Earth element stabilizes the body through earth tones, yellow, checks, and plaids.
- The Metal element enhances mental function via white, light pastels, and metal accessories.
- The Water element is held in black, dark tones, and flowing lines.
Feng Shui aficionados believe it’s ideal to wear all five elements somewhere on the body.
What you wear under your clothes can always fill in the blanks, so that you are elementally supported on the physical, emotional, mental, intuitive, and spiritual levels every day. You know what that means: Now you have the perfect reason to own lingerie in every color!
Follow these fashion feng shui tips and you will see for yourself how a simple wardrobe change can make a bit impact on your success.