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Q&A – Teen Room in Wealth & Prosperity

Q: Terah, My teenage son’s bedroom is a complete disaster! It is also located in the Wealth area of the house. He doesn’t want to comply with my decorating requests (he is 16 and very strong minded). Is there anything that I can do to enhance this area of my home and open the way for more prosperity? Thanks, K.S. – via e-mail

A: This is a great question, and the answer can benefit everyone. Whether you are living with children, a partner, or sharing an office with a colleague, it’s best to define your own private space within that area. When this basic need of personal space isn’t honored, turf wars, from subtle skirmishes to full-blown battles, can take place.

Teenagers usually insist on their own turf as they catapult into adulthood. Their private space is often chaotic, controversial, and in constant change. I have found that most teens take a keen personal interest in the Bagua Map of their room, sensing that it can help them manifest their goals, from getting better grades to attracting more pet-or-babysitting jobs. They “Do the Grid” as it’s often called in teen-speak, a subject I cover on page 192 in The Western Guide to Feng Shui, Room by Room. Click here for a complimentary copy of The Bagua Map.

Consider the following suggestions to enhance the flow of prosperity in your life:

1.    Although your son’s room is in the Wealth and Prosperity area of your home, each room has its own Wealth and Prosperity area. Pay special attention to these areas, making each one very attractive in its own way.

2.    Welcome auspicious people, experiences, and opportunities into your life by making your front entrance “entrancing.” Embellish it with pleasant lighting, flowers, statuary, seating, and other enhancements that say welcome.”

3.    Simplify and organize your storage areas. Let go of the old to make room for the new.

4.    Remove obstacles that keep any door in your home from having a full range of motion. As easy as it sounds, clearing items from behind a door has proven to be one of the simplest ways to increase the flow of prosperity in life.

5.    Avoid keeping broken items that simply take up space as they diminish the vital energy surrounding you. And, because every inch counts in Essential Feng Shui, there’s hiding place for them. Decide whether to repair them or let them go – and do it asap! This activates the Ch’i and initiates the process of positive change.

6.    You probably already have lovely things that can improve Ch’i flow tucked away in closets, etc. Look around for things you love and and already own before buying new stuff.

7.    Write your own affirmations to hold your goals and wishes in place.

8.    Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by making a list of the people, places, and things that you are grateful for. Notice how rich and prosperous you are now! Keep your list active by reading it and adding to it each day… and be sure to share it with your teenager.

Focus on what you can personally change in your environment at any moment, and work with that. The ripple-effect will inspire and delight you!


  1. Thanks, Terah, for this concise list of ways to address a common issue.  As a 2002 graduate of WSFS I hear this type of question often.  I too have seen teenagers respond favorably to the intrigue and promise of the Bagua.  Great idea!

  2. Hi Terah,  I have a question regarding the Real Estate Board office I am helping to Feng Shui.  The large meeting room has a large closet where the wealth corner is and is now in nice order.  We had talked about painting the room a tan/brown color with a bit of more color at the front of the room.  What if I had them paint the closet area a deep red would that help. There is another closet on the other side in the love area and could also be painted.   Hope your well.  Love Evita Beas

  3. Great tips Terah!  I'm in the process of making a huge change, we're moving 940 miles away, with two pre-teens who insist on keeping their rooms looking like a tornado was in there.  I'm going to copy this tip and post it on my favorites!