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Feng Shui Cow Art

A few weeks ago I had a very fun Feng Shui consultation. Because it was the home as well as the office and studio, we did the consultation on each room of the house and all three who lived and worked there walked the consultation with me.

The art studio was “creative chaos” at it’s best. Julia, the artist, said her business was doing well but she felt overwhelmed with all the clutter and felt she had no room to to put things and to create. We talked about de-cluttering and reorganizing and balancing the room. She got right on it and within 3 days had cleaned up and reorganized her studio with all the suggestions we made. A few days later she was asked to be one of the artists to paint a cow for the “Cow Parade Austin,” which is sponsored by many different organizations, and is a huge opportunity and complement for an Austin Artist to be asked.

Austin is well known for its Painted Guitars and Painted Cows!

Feng Shui Art Success Story

Eloise the Feng Shui Cow

The Cows are painted, taken to a warehouse, judged, auctioned off, displayed in the “Cow Parade Austin,” and then taken to their new homes all over town. This is all a Fundraiser and all proceeds go to the Dell Children’s Hospital of Austin.

Ester Eloise was completed a few days ago and is now at the Cow warehouse. We can’t wait to see her at the private showing this coming week and the Parade to follow. It has been so much fun following this process with Julia and Ester Eloise.




Terah Kathryn Collins is a best-selling author and the founder of the Western School of Feng Shui®. She is also the originator of Essential Feng Shui®, which focuses on the many valuable applications Feng Shui has in our Western culture while honoring the essence of its Eastern heritage.

Her 6 inspirational books on the subject have sold over a million copies worldwide.