Feng Shui House Plans
Q: Hi Terah,
I am submitting my questions and project. I’ve included a photo of the building plan. The original house is the carport, garage three bedrooms on left side and half of the living area. We are adding more living space, bigger kitchen, pool, separate guest suite, more storage, master suite and utility as well as “tower room” entry from carport. More storage is needed due to husband’s massive record collection and that he is a packrat. My question is – What are the best Feng Shui cures to incorporate as we build?
Feng Shui House Plans Blueprint
What we love is the location, lot, privacy, nature, deer in yard, wet weather creek, neighbors, wooded landscape, can’t see house from road, no yard to mow but tons of space around us. I am happy with the design and we absolutely love the location and area… Really can’t beat the location for the price.
We don’t love that it’s flooded twice with drainage from houses up the hill and a wet weather creek runs along the side of the property (it has never flooded) cuts off the Relationship area.
Identified Feng Shui Issues
1. Wealth and Abundance Gua is outside
2. Bathroom in the Fame Gua
3. Love & Relationship Gua will be built out over the creek.
Also just found out that the guy we used for the architect services and the septic designer do not carry insurance.
Thanks for your help!