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Radio Show – Three Sisters of the Tao

Terah Kathryn Collins, best-selling author and originator of Essential Feng Shui, joins ZOOM’D to discuss her recent inspirational book, The Three Sisters of the Tao: Essential Conversations with Chinese Medicine, I Ching, and Feng Shui, and to provide insights into creating and sustaining a fulfilling heart-centered life.

As leadership in the coming era of change calls for deep understanding and wisdom, it also must be underpinned by deep connection with the heart and an infused sense of love. Terah brings to life the essential path of harmony (the Tao—the Way) through provocative dialogue with the three sisters of the Tao: Chinese medicine, which restores tranquility with a calming presence and illuminated creativity; the I Ching, a harmonizing of heart and mind which calls forth full expression of the true self; and Feng Shui, which imbues surroundings with rhythmic resonance, opening us to a living symphony of sacred space. Join ZOOM’D for this enlightening discussion.