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Q & A – Health Challenges & Clutter

Q: Dear Terah,

I have had your book “Room by Room” for years but have not (until now) had the drive to get serious about Feng Shui. Or maybe I should say “get playful” about it!  I’m already way to serious! I have a question about using Essential Feng Shui to help me with a chronic health problem.

I am in the entertainment business, so my energy and appearance are vital to my ability to make money and survive. I have been suffering from chronic constipation for about 6 months and have run from pillar to post trying to find a solution, but nothing works long term. Now I eat way less than I used to and have lost 11 lbs. That may not seem like a lot, but I was already a skinny guy!  I need to turn this around pronto, because it is making me miserable physically + psychologically.

My Health quadrant is partly in my kitchen and also in my home office where I spend alot of time.

Please give me a few suggestions as to how I can increase the positive energy in my home and move the stagnation that I feel in my body.

Thank you,


Dear C,

I love your insight about becoming more playful… Indeed, that is exactly the energy you are calling to yourself!

Essential Feng Shui views any kind of clutter as environmental congestion or constipation. To free up your eliminative system, I’d suggest that you focus on clearing your entire surroundings of clutter, especially the clutter that has been sitting around for awhile and become, as you say, stagnant. To help you with this, please refer to for my Decluttering Guidelines.

Clutter can feel quite heavy and serious, so please approach this with a playful attitude, and feel the lightness-of-being that comes from letting go of the old and making room for the new!

You may also choose to do some Inner Feng Shui work, which I cover in my book Home Design with Feng Shui, A-Z. Use the following affirmation as a guide when writing the perfect affirmation for yourself: “I easily let go of the past and trust that all of my needs are graciously met in every moment.” Use your affirmation as a meditation, breathe and relax, relax, relax!

And, as an environmental enhancement, consider displaying a very healthy plant, favorite flowers, and/or fresh fruit in your Health quadrant, symbolizing your own vibrant health and well-being.

May you find all of this very helpful!

With Every Blessing,
Terah Kathryn Collins

One Comment

  1. Hi Terah,

    I am having a hard time finding the time to de-clutter precisely because it is so overwhelming and time consuming. I wanted to devote an entire weekend to it, but that’s not happening. So now I’m thinking I better take it in bite size pieces. Just do like 15-30 min. but do it every day, religiously. I just know this is so important and transforming. Probably I am experiencing what psychology calls “approach avoidance,” i.e. we find ways to postpone or avoid the very things that will bring us success.

    I took your suggestion and I put a small palm plant in my health quadrant.

    Terah, I told you that I want to move in Jan. But you said that I should get my cellar/storage room in order asap. You felt that room might be analagous to my “bowels” because of it’s location, and could be contributing to my constipation problems. It’s a small room one floor down, physically removed from my apartment. But technically it is considered to belong to the apartment. You remember I told you that it’s become infected with mold because it’s below ground level. I really don’t want to even go down there at all. It’s damp, dusty, very unpleasant. There is nothing in that room that matters to me. Nothing of value. I’m also not wild about spending the money to hire someone to remove the mold and clean up the room. But if you really feel there is a Feng Shui principle at work there, I will do it 🙂

    Terah Says:
    Go for having that storage room cleaned out, asap. JUMP!
    Love & Blessings, Terah