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Feng Shui and Addictions, part 1

Dear Liv,

I really enjoyed our conversation about feng shui and addictions… I loved thinking about how a person can use their environment to support getting off an addicition, like to change their seat from where they sat when they drank/overate, etc and get new chairs; walk down a different street.  I've used it in the last few weeks: for the route I take to get my laundry lately, I'd always feel vulnerable going in a certain door in my condo community's clubhouse to do laundry, now I walk into the clubhouse via a different door/route and I feel more empowered; also if my husband and I are squabbling, now I more often say, "hey, I  need to change my seat" just changing my position in the room can help me break out of that dynamic…

Warmly, "An Essential Feng Shui devotee"

One Comment

  1. Such a very simple solution, but so so very true.  Just the fact of moving one's position, even an inch, will change the position of perspective.