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Q&A – Sad Front Door

Q: I have a question as to the use of the Bagua map.

I also sent a photo of the house where I rent. The reason for my doubt is that if I put it in front of the entrance door of the house, according to the Bagua map, the door is in the area of Knowledge and Self-Cultivation, but it does not like the front door facing the street. You can see that it’s hidden. If I stand in front of the house, the front door would stay in the area of Career.


A: You have your Bagua Map correct, with your front door in Knowledge and Self-Cultivation. Now it is time to beautify the area around your door with enhancements that let people know right away how to find your front door and give a wonderful first impression. These could be anything you like and can easily care for, such as a decorative flag/banner, windchime, pots of plants and/or red flowers, statuary, seating, etc. Ask your landlord if you can paint your front door a color you especially like. Often people choose a shade of red, but it can be any color you love. Enjoy choosing the perfect things and please send me an “After” photogrph! – Terah