Feng Shui Q&A: Front Door Dilemma
Q: Hello! I love Terah Kathryn Collins book “The Western Guide to Feng Shui”! It has been a staple reference book on my shelf for over 10 years! I have followed the instructions and re-read the pages numerous times and have been very satisfied with the results! My current dilemma is …
I purchased my very first home (all my own!) last spring. I’ve arranged it according to my understanding of the Bagua map, and to me it is missing the love & relationship area, as well as the knowledge and self-cultivation area. I have remedied the L & R area and am working on the K & SC area, but it occurs to me that I may not have the bagua map correct!!
Here is my concern:
When viewing my house from the street, you cannot SEE my front door. You actually walk up a path (in what I would describe as the career area), step up onto a concrete porch and make a 90 degree left turn to be actually facing the front door.
My question is:
Do I lay the bagua map over the entire house looking at it from the street? Or do I lay it over the entire house as viewed from facing the front door? Obviously, if it is the latter, the whole house will be “off” from my design. HELP please!!
Many thanks in advance for your assistance!
A: Terah Kathryn Collins
Though the Feng Shui textbook answer to your question would be to map your home from the front door, any answer that is supposedly always or never “right” inevitably has exceptions! Yours may be one of them.
To gain clarity, here’s an experiment for you to try. Map your home both ways and compare each map with your current life’s circumstances. Which one speaks to you as more accurate? How does the quality of your life match up with any missing or compromised Bagua areas? Usually, one Map will line up more completely with your experience of life.
One of the primary values of the Bagua Map is to open your eyes to see that every inch of your environment counts and there’s no place that is more important than another. No matter which Bagua Map you choose to work with, you know that all areas are essentially equal, each playing their unique role in the environmental body that is your
For much more on applying the Bagua Map using Essential Feng Shui, you can check out our Bagua online course. Or, you may want to consult with an Essential Feng Shui practitioner listed in our Western School of Feng Shui Consultant Directory.
Enjoy your Feng Shui adventures!
With Every Blessing,
Terah Kathryn Collins
I once lived in a house with that same front door dilemma–you walked up onto the covered porch, feeling like it must be in the Career gua, but the front door was off to the left, with the feeling like it was in Knowledge and Self-cultivation. In actuality, the front door led into the Wealth and Prosperity gua, and that placement told the true story of our fortunes in that house. It also meant that the ch'i did not flow into that sideways front door as easily, and it needed extra ch'i enhancements to draw it in.