Q & A: Ashes of Pets in Which Gua?
Q. I loved your book and am incorporating Feng Shui into my environment. My question is around the ashes of my dead pets: I have the ashes of two dogs and two cats here in my office in what I believe is the Knowledge and Self Cultivation area. Is my keeping the ashes creating negative energy?
Thank you,
A. My first reaction is that, yes, the ashes ARE impacting you, and it sounds like they are a positive “spirit helper” kind of companionship for you in that location. The Knowledge and Self Cultivation area is about the deep yin of personal development and wisdom seeking. Since ashes of the deceased are the one of the most yin items we can keep, their location in the strong mountain, yet still yin, energy of the K&SC gua is harmonious. Whether or not they actually support you or lower your ch’i level is something you will have to decipher from your own experience in the space.
Within the office room’s bagua, I would keep them out of the “back” or “rear” three guas–Wealth, Fame, and Love, as the very yin quality might negatively impact your “harvest” of those earthly goodies in the here and now.