Performing the Five Elements of Feng Shui
Here is a wonderful share from Pat Hyduk Western School of Feng Shui and Fashion Feng Shui alumna:
Hi Terah and Evana
I thought you both might get a kick out of the email below. I am now at the Optimum Health Institute in San Diego where I shall be a volunteer for the next 3 months. As you may know OHI is about cleansing and clearing through the use of raw, live, living foods. My aim here is to ‘clear the clutter’ and get my body back in shape and into a healthy regime. I shall be here until mid-March.
I send you both heart-felt wishes for the holiday season and a superb and light-filled New Year.
And heart-felt gratitude for your inspiration and teaching in the past so that I could feel inspired to create the event outlined below.
Much love
Friday night is entertainment night at the Optimum Health Institute where every guest is invited to take part. The goal is to bring some lighthearted energy and fun into our week, where we are encouraged to either sing a song, read a poem, play an instrument. I have never been involved before because I felt I could do none of those creative things.
BUT….this time I was!
Got a brain wave Wednesday, thinking I SHOULD contribute as this class is smaller than usual and I wanted to support the event. So I decided to do a sketch on Feng Shui.
AND as OHI is about live, living foods, my illustrations were live and living too….depicted by actual people whom I chose to represent various concepts.
It was absolutely amazing that I found WONDERFUL examples of each element, each person representing the relevant personality AND physical characteristics to a T! Spirit was definitely with me on this one. Each person came out and did a little skit, something that represented their role/personality. Everyone entered into the spirit of the thing wholeheartedly – it was great!
To begin, I did a brief introduction about FS while our FS ‘angel’, Zladko, demonstrated a few principles: first energy flow, as he surged through the audience with more than enthusiastic audience partipation. Then back on stage as I defined FS – wind and water – he waved one of my pareos in front of a fan to make it fly in the air, followed by him pouring a jug of water into a bowl. HILARIOUS.

Our ‘angel’ held up a giant yin/yang symbol I hurriedly made that afternoon as the couple came onto the stage.
Then, the elements. Each one was represented by five people I was intuitively led to choose from this courageous group, all here for health and healing.

2. EARTH: Ellie who is a FABULOUS example of mother earth – she hugs everyone, loves kids, etc . And so is her colouring: rich brown hair, brown eyes, she is Iranian. She wore my beige yoga pants and my brown+white see-through blouse over a camisole…and bare feet. She came on with a ‘baby’, singing a lullaby to her as she walked across the stage. SUBLIME.
3. WATER was meant to be Tammy who is a wisp of a girl: Black hair, a dancer, ethereal, very spiritual, and artistic! She was to wear a flowing black dress, a flower in her hair, and one of my flowing georgette scarves, black mainly, with touches of turquoise and pink. Unfortunately she wasn’t feeling well on the night, so Justina, young blond girl took her place at the last minute. She was WOOD and WATER combined, and did a great job filling in for us.

5. METAL: Beverley, an elegant grey-haired woman who is precise, organized, loves order….one can see it in how she dresses. She wore my white sweater and gray yoga pants, silver ‘diamond’ studded hoop earrings, along with my silver dollar pendant on a silver chain. Nicknamed ‘Flinty’, just for the skit, she was PERFECTION.
It came together so beautifully. Thank goodness I had enough clothes for them, as most of them came just for one or two weeks with only sweats and relaxed gear.
We finished with our FS angel demonstrating various enhancements: lighting a candle, ringing some wind chimes, holding up a giant ‘crystal’ which I had just that day bought at a 99 cent store nearby, a plant – strong, thriving and alive – a great metaphor for what OHI can produce in its guests here.
The ending: everyone grouped together on the stage to demonstrate balance and harmony, creating a small human pyramid of 3 people, with the others around them in a yoga meditative position.
MUSIC. For any future events – should they happen – I would choose a different music for each element. This time I had peaceful instrumental music in the background, harmony and balance of course!
The reactions of the audience are, the day after, still flowing over…such lovely comments about the skit and how it was received. People commented on how FS was so much easier to understand when illustrated visually. An architect said it was one of the best skits he had ever seen and brought home to him the importance of beauty in our lives.
The main thing was that we had a BLAST – the fabulous feng shui team cooperated BRILLIANTLY. We felt SO good afterward, the discomforts of detoxing alleviated and forgotten!
Pat Hyduk
Wow, Pat, thanks for sharing! You destroyed the false image of Feng Shui as some dry esoteric theory, and showed its true colors of vibrant living ch'i. Amazing that you found such perfect examples of each element right there within your small group!
Sounds wonderful Pat. A great way to demonstrate the elements , essence in people.