Q&A: Photos of the Deceased
Q: I have heard you are not suppose to put photos of deceased people on your wall. I have a collection of family photos some of which include deceased relatives and I would like to make a family photo wall. Can these photos be added to the wall and if not why not.
A: From Terah K. Collins
I encourage you to make a family photo wall, including those pictures of deceased relatives ‘who’ lift your spirits and make you happy. This will create an arrangement in your home that holds love in place in a personally powerful way.
Enjoy honoring the many generations of people who have touched your life with love…
One of the things I love about Essential Feng Shui is its great good sense, such as this answer demonstrates.
Here is a situation likely not considered in that answer, however, because most would not consider doing this… but for those that might….a picture of a deceased loved one's body in the coffin, or a picture of a grave (yes — some people, DO take these photos as momentos) would hold the energy of decay, and such photos would be un-advisable to keep — anywhere.
But photos of loved ones while alive, quite a different thing. Life connects with life quite well.
I have pictures of my mother and my grandparents, and I enjoy seeing them very much. I have fond memories of these relatives and they were such good people that I feel they enhance my work space.
In my home, I have a photo of my deceased sister displayed on a shelf with other family photos, in my "family" room. Because her life, and passing, was difficult, I have mounted the photo above this quote: "You are only dreaming that you have a body of flesh. Your real self is light and consciousness…the body is simply a projection of that invisible self within." (Paramahansa Yogananda). Juxtaposing her photo with this sacred truth becomes my prayer for her every time I look at the photo, and it brings me great joy to send her, and me!, this healing for our past life memories. One day, this healing will be completed, and I will either take the quote away, or put a fresh one that brings some new joy to both of us.
My beloved pet, a two year old Rhodesian Ridgeback, recently died of a brain struck caused, aparently, by a brain tumor. This has been devastating for me because I loved him very much and because his death was so sudden and unexpected. I would like to honor him putting some pictures of him when he was a healthy and playful dog. Is that good feng shui?
It’s wonderful Feng Shui, Dina! Consider photos in the Children and Creativity or Family Guas. Also, some fine places for ashes (if you chose to cremate) are the Love and Relationship or Helpful People and Travel Guas. L&R not only because of its inherent energies of receptivity and of course love, but it’s also the most yin gua. HP&T are associated with the aspects of Heaven and our Helpers, and he sounds like an angel in your life!
Big, Gentle Hugs,
Programs Director