Cultivating The Heart in the Year of the Tiger
Cultivating The Heart
in the Year of the Tiger
You may already be sensing the approach of the Year of the Tiger due to arrive on Valentine’s Day, February 14th, 2010. Such an auspicious entrance speaks of the Tiger’s fierce allegiance to the heart. Like the heart, the essence of the Tiger is ever-optimistic, passionate, and generous. This year, while the Tiger’s natal Wood element stimulates our hearts to blossom and grow with wild abandon, 2010’s Metal element insists on controlling our flowering desires. The dynamic expand-contract relationship between the Wood Tiger and the Metal 2010, influences how we handle our hearts’ emerging passions. If we apply too much control, we could stifle our new growth. If we can lovingly cultivate the gifts of such blossoming, we’ll enrich and enhance our lives.
When you have a few quiet moments, consider connecting with the Tiger’s essence. Imagine strolling through a magnificent nature sanctuary and seeing a tiger cross the path in front of you. She pauses, looks straight into your eyes, and disappears into the woods. You follow her and soon arrive at a crystalline pool of water. She lounges on the other side of the pool and you know she has guided you there. You feel the strength of her presence as you gaze into the pool and realize you are looking into your own heart. You watch as a message arises from the depths and spreads out across the surface of the water….
May the Tiger reveal the passions that grow in your heart and 2010 shape them with beauty and grace.
With Love and Every Blessing,
Terah Kathryn Collins