Year of the Earth Ox
Depending on whether we track the Moon or the Sun, the year of the Earth Ox begins either January 26th or February 4th, 2009. As the Ox heads our way, we may be feeling certain inclinations that seem – well – different than what we’re used to. This Ox comes bearing the sweet elixir of the earth element – the antidote to life in the fast lane.
Dab it on your wrists and you become inextricably drawn to the garden, the musky scent of damp earth, and the black magic of compost. Place a drop on your forehead and you gaze through the eyes of tranquility. Bathe in it and your body becomes like the hills and valleys of Mother Earth, sensual and serene.
This is the year to Slow Up and get reacquainted with the mother we all share – Mother Earth. She’s the one to cuddle up with when we feel stressed, ungrounded, or alone; dig into when we need someone’s hand to hold; turn to when life’s going too fast. Her solidity coupled with the Ox’s constancy give us every reason to shed tight schedules, take the back way home, deepen our relationship with every moment, do less zipping and more unzipping…
Yes, this is the year to enjoy the delicious sensuality of being in a body. The slow pace naturally invites us to take pleasure in our sensory experiences. It’s time to go barefoot, wear clothing that drapes rather than binds , and be naked as often as possible. Earth is specifically related to the taste of sweet, beckoning us to sweeten our environments with treats for every sense. Pause for a long moment and think, “What are the sounds, scents, textures, and sights that bring me continuous pleasure?” Then, in a very leisurely fashion, bring those earthly delights into your surroundings.
There’ll be other years when we’re called to speed it up… this is not one of them. Though the slow track may feel unfamiliar at first, we could get used to it very quickly. We’ll wonder what was so attractive about living like Human Doings rather than Human Beings. And if we really drink our fill of this year’s nectar, we may never be Human Doings again…
Happy Landing!
Outstanding blog post, I look forward to reading more.