Q & A – Feng Shui and Windmills
Q. There is a windmill on our property. Is that good Feng Shui?
Arie, New Zealand
A. Windmills – or any other extreme environmental feature – are great as long as they are in working order and in tip-top shape. Is this one is a tourist destination or just in the landscape as a point of interest? Is it pulling in water for your family to use? That sounds like good Feng Shui to me!
Make sure that it looks great from far and near. Fresh paint? Anything broken? Country charm or local eyesore?
If you or anyone else will be going to it on a regular basis, is it safe and secure? Is the pathway well-marked and clearly identified? Pay attention to the functional details, checking for safety and comfort and the Feng Shui of it should be just fine!
Liv Kellgren, WSFS Programs Director
P.S. Please be careful in labeling things as either "good" or "bad" Feng Shui. Instead, consider that there are ideal Feng Shui environments for us as individuals AND that what’s ideal for one person might not be ideal for another… That’s what keeps Feng Shui so interesting for us Practitioners – as soon as we think we’ve figured everything out and are able to easily and effectively apply the "rules", we meet someone whose needs remind us of the core guidelines:
1. Live With What You Love
2. Put Safety and Comfort First
3. Simplify and Organize
4. Express Yourself