Holding Happiness In Place with the Feng Shui Grid
Arranging a home to hold happiness in place is the primary goal of Feng Shui, and one of the most intriguing tools we utilize is the Feng Shui Grid. Many people discover that their challenges in life are directly related to the Grid areas in their homes that they dislike, don‘t use, or fill with clutter. It‘s also a very useful tool when building or remodeling a home.
Your Home‘s Feng Shui Grid
To Grid your home, begin with a bird‘s-eye drawing, such as a blueprint or footprint sketch. Include everything that‘s attached to the house, such as a garage, porch, or deck.
- Place your drawing so that the front door is at the bottom of the page. (see Illustration).
- Draw a rectangle around the drawing that includes every part of the home inside it.
- Divide the rectangle into nine equal sections, like a Tic-Tac-Toe board, and label the nine squares of the Grid accordingly.
When your home is a simple rectangle, you‘ll find that all of the Grid‘s areas are located inside your house. If your home is another shape, such as an L, S, T, or U, you‘ll find Grid areas located outside the structure of your house.
Clarifying Points:
Assessing Your Feng Shui Grid Profile:
This can be a very revealing process! The objects you surround yourself with are —environmental affirmations“ that can hold positive or negative impressions and conditions in place. You may find that a Grid area correlates with what‘s working – or not working – in your life. For instance, many single people discover that the Love and Marriage area of their home is anchoring their singleness in place. Romance blossoms in their lives when they remove items such as art depicting solitary people or furniture that triggers memories of an unpleasant love affair.
“Missing“ Areas
When a Grid area is located outside of your home, lighting, special plants, water features, garden furniture, or sculptures can be aesthetically combined to upgrade the space. Or, a deck, patio, or room addition may be the perfect choice. The goal is to define the area with —beauty marks“ that are both appealing and in scale with your home – and your budget.
Personalizing Your Choices
Choose items and designs that relate to the Grid area you‘re working with. For instance, a Love and Marriage area that‘s outdoors can be enhanced with two trees or other plants that flower, bear fruit, or have a special growth habit or quality you enjoy; an intimate bench or table-for- two; or garden embellishments displayed in pairs, such as candles, statuary, and flowerpots. Indoors, the same “twosome“ theme applies.
The Feng Shui Grid can encourage positive changes and enhance the quality of your life. Design your home to hold happiness in place, and remember, the more personally pleasing your choices, the better!
Terah Kathryn Collins is the author of six books on Feng Shui and the founder of the Western School of Feng Shui™ in San Diego, CA. For additional Feng Shui articles, more information about Essential Feng Shui®, or to attend a Feng Shui Training Program or other event, or please visit www.WesternSchoolofFengShui.com or call directly 760-633-3388.