Q & A – Feng Shui Online Classes
Q. Is there another way of learnign other than on-site in California? I live in Orlando, Florida and would like to study to be a practitioner. I have been reading alot and I favor the Western Feng Shui teachings. Thank you, Y. Cornelius
A. YES! We have just released our first Essential Feng Shui Online Course: The Bagua Map. This is a self-guided interactive course that can take from 3-20 hours, depending upon your dedication and zest for the material. Although it’s the same material presented during the Practitioner Training, there are more personal exercises that allow you to go deeper, really embracing the Bagua Map experience, its origins and how to apply the Bagua Map to any space, including your home and office.
Altogether, we are producing a series of 7 Essential Feng Shui modules, each focusing on a core Feng Shui principle. Each module will be available to all Feng Shui enthusiasts, regardless of past training or experience.
Available in 2009: Ch’I Flow & Ch’I Enhancements, Yin and Yang, The Five Elements
Available in 2010: Essential Feng Shui for Residences, Essential Feng Shui for Businesses, Essential Feng Shui for Landscapes
After you have “attended” each of these classes, you can become an Essential Feng Shui Practitioner via correspondence exercises, teleconferences and webinars to complete your training.
Please let us know if you’re interested in learning more about the program, or you can watch the introduction now at
www.EssentialFengShuiOnline.com or order the course for a special $199 tuition before November 30th at www.efsgallery.com The first 18 people to order the class receive a free 30-minute phone call with a Feng Shui Presenter!