Front Door Feng Shui Ch'i | Feng Shui Q&A
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Q&A – Front Door Feng Shui Ch’i

Q. Hi! I caught part of Terah’s show on Hay House internet radio recently, and immediately purchased Feng Shui for Prosperity. My home is very small, and a bit of a disaster despite numerous attempts to clear the clutter. I am an audio engineer and composer, but have been feeling totally uninspired to create, so it is my hope to get the energy in my home flowing correctly, and hopefully myself as well. I am really enjoying what I am learning in the book, and nearly finished reading (very excited to get moving on this!) and last night I created the bagua map of my home.

I understand including all structures of the home, including the porches and whatnot, but one question I have that I haven’t come across yet is that I rarely use the front door. I park in back, use the back entrance for coming and going, sit on the back porch, and when friends come over they use the back entry as well. So should I create my map as if the back door is actually the front, since that is my main entry?

Thanks for any info you can pass along. Oh, and loved the tips on the website about the cat box – excellent!

Kind Regards, Gwen S.

A. Gwen, It sounds like what you have is a neglected front door! This is your main mouth of chi and is ideally used each day to let in this BOUNTY of chi! You and your guests can continue to use the back entrance; however, the front entrance also needs some attention: Open the door first thing in the morning to say a prayer or intention for the day, leave it open in nice weather, encourage some guests to use the front, use the front yourself – even just one or two times per week. You’ll find that this new-found chi flow will bring in many new creative opportunities, abundance, and general flow!

Then, please align your Bagua Map with the front door and I’m sure that you’ll see many opportunities to enhance your guas accordingly.

Have Fun! Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, Western School of Feng Shui