Directions | Feng Shui Q&A
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Q & A – Feng Shui Directions

Q. I don’t recall using “best sleeping directions” in the practitioner training, but rather, we always try to place the bed so that the people in it have a view of the door to the room. How does the directional sleeping come into play? Does Terah (and other graduates) use that?

-Nancy, EFS Practitioner Alumni

A. Hi Nancy! Great question.

We’ve discovered the ideal sleeping directions have come out of our study of 8 Mansions, a sister modality of Flying Stars or Compass Feng Shui. When I consult (and I present this in class, too), I will access someone’s ideal directions when we’re deciding where to put their desk or their bed – somewhere they will spend a lot of time. First. we look at all the FORM options: view of the door (as you’ve mentioned), placement of windows, electrical outlets, and overhead issues like beams. If we have more than one choice, or if what we’ve chosen isn’t working as well as it could be, only then do we pull out our handy dandy 8 Mansions chart to discover a sleeping direction that will serve them in their goals. The energies of the ideal directions are Health, Wisdom, Relationships, and Primary Ch’i and vary depending on ones’ birth year and gender.

What’s most interesting about 8 Mansions and Flying Stars is that most practitioners will most likely refer back to the form of the space when making their decisions. For example, if someone’s best direction faces them away from the door or under a beam, the practitioner will choose to face them toward the door and then complete other Compass Feng Shui cures to balance the space in other ways.

So whether or not you choose to use the directions in your consultations, paying attention to the form of the space will always be a good choice.

Love & Gratitude, Liv Kellgren, Programs Director, Western School of Feng Shui

One Comment

  1. I use the Auspicious Directions in all of my consultations.   Like Liv said, sometimes the room features over ride the favorable directions for placement.  In that case you can add the element associated with their Ming Gua (personal Number) to support them.   I've written an eBook on calculating and applying the Ming Gua for individuals.   If you're interested, you can find it on my website.     Here's a link. http://www.fullbloomfengshui.com/ebooks.htm